Да бъдеш доброволец в Пловдив - Преживяванията на един холандски доброволец | Volunteering in Plovdiv - Experiences of a Dutch Volunteer
Volunteering in Plovdiv - Experiences of a Dutch volunteer (BG scroll down)
Huibert de Man
Volunteering for Plovdiv2019 as a somewhat
older person from the Netherlands was an experiment. I didn't quite know what
to expect, but I do not regret it now. It was a very positive experience, in
spite of the fact that I was not always happy with the way things were
organized (too much last-minute planning). But the slogan ‘together’ also
applied to what I experienced: young and old, different nationalities and
variation in personal experience and backgrounds made ‘all the colours’ a
reality. I, a 70-year old Dutch former university professor, worked with a
lovely Italian girl, who happened to speak perfect Dutch, and an equally nice
girl from Bulgaria, with perfect English. The organization had put me in this
team, responsible for the wind orchestra from Montescaglioso near Matera, the
sister cultural capital in Italy, because I could speak Italian. Other persons
sometimes also participated in this team, all of them young and nice people. We
managed to give the orchestra a great time, solve little problems for them and
also to have fun ourselves. The musicians were really good and even in the
freezing cold they managed to play in tune. The music, most of it from opera,
was a kind that only Italians can really interpret with all the rhetoric and
emotion that is needed.
But why was I there? It was because of my special bond with Bulgaria. My oldest son’s girlfriend, like him a designer graduated at the Eindhoven Design Academy, is from Pleven, Bulgaria. She contributes to design art in the Netherlands; why shouldn’t I contribute a little in Bulgaria? I like Bulgaria, and speak a little Bulgarian. So I decided to sign up as a volunteer through the website of Plovdiv2019. The idea was to do some online work from the Netherlands. But a friendly coordinator in Plovdiv (Kami) convinced me to also come to the opening ceremony; there would be some useful work for me there. So I took the risk, booked flights and a hotel. The assignment with the orchestra was what came out of it.
Working with other volunteers and
interacting with the Italians was great fun, worth the time and the expenses.
To be honest, I found the big opening ceremony with the loud music and voices,
big screens and moving lights not very attractive. For me it was too imposing,
too much an endeavour to impress, rather than to engage. And too centralized:
thousands of people looking at one big tower full of colour and sound. For a
foreigner, even for one who understands some Bulgarian, there were too many
words, many of them, as I understood, words about lofty ideals and principles:
not really my thing. But if most people enjoyed the show - I think they did –
it was a success, and a success to which many volunteers have contributed.
I am happy to have been part of this all
and I hope to be able to continue to contribute in the months to come at a
distance as an ‘online volunteer’.
Участието на по-старичък човек като мен, родом от Холандия, в инициативата "Пловдив 2019" бе един своенравен експеримент. Нямах представа какво да очаквам, но изобщо не съжалявам. Беше изключително приятно преживяване, въпреки че имам критики към цялостната организация (не за друго, а заради традиционното планиране в последния момент). Трябва да отбележа обаче, че лозунгът "заедно" определено бе оставил своя отпечатък: различните възрасти в допълнение на разнообразните националности, които се бяха събрали, създадоха една истинска пъстра мозайка от хора. Аз, един 70-годишен бивш университетски професор, имах удоволствието да работя с едно прекрасно момиче от Италия, което се оказа, че владее съвършен нидерландски, както и със страхотно българско момиче с перфектен английски.

И все пак, какво правех аз там? Специалната ми връзка с България ме доведе. Приятелката на големия ми син, която, също като него, завърши в Академията по Дизайн в Айндховен, живее в Плевен. Тя има своя принос за дизайн изкуството в Холандия, и си помислих, защо аз да не дам своя принос за България? Аз харесвам страната, освен това говоря малко български. Затова реших да се включа като доброволец чрез сайта на "Пловдив 2019". Първоначалната идея бе да съдействам дистанционно - онлайн от Холандия. Ала дружелюбната координаторка (Ками) ме убеди, че все пак би било редно да присъствам на откриването, като обясни, че ще има работа за мен. И така, поех риска, резервирах билети и хотел. В резултат се установих в оркестъра.

За мен е истинско щастие, че бях част от това събитие. Искрено се надявам да мога да продължа да допринасям за инициативата,макар и от разстояние - под формата на "онлайн" доброволец.
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