Откриващ уикенд: през погледа на доброволеца | Opening Weekend: A Volunteers' Perspective
The Stories of our Volunteers:

, че такива събития могат да ни обогатят и да научим много интересни неща , за
които дори не сме и подозирали.
съм щастлива да взема участие в още мероприятия свързани с развитието на нашия
красив и античен град - P div“
me, this was an incredible experience full with lots of emotions, unforgettable
moments, and funny stories. I’m glad that I was part of this amazing team and I
can proudly say that I made quite a lot of friends with both the team and the
guests from Matera. I truly believe that such events can enrich us in so many
ways and we can learn a lot of interesting things that we couldn’t even imagine
until that very moment. I’ll be happy if I take part in more events related to
the development of our beautiful and ancient city.
- Виктория

Personally, for me, the day and the things that happened
will leave a great trace in my life. Throughout the whole day I enjoyed people
who came specifically for the ceremony. Unfortunately, not everyone will say
this; there will always be people who won’t be satisfied no matter what. We,
the volunteers, the ones that put in hard work and love, that embraced every
given task, we didn’t do it for ourselves, but for the city in which we live
and for the people in it!
За пръв път бях доброволец в дните около
откриващито събитие за Пловдив 2019 - Европейска столица на културата. Бях
страшно развълнувана, защото се надявах да науча повече за хората и това как да
им помагам. Знаех, че ще се запозная с поне още някой, който иска да постигне
промяна без друг да го кара да прави нещо. И наистина- видях, че има толкова
много хора, готови да отделят време и енергия в името на другите, на една
кауза, колкото никога не съм мислела, че ще срещна. Разбрах, че не е важно
какво точно правиш. Важно е да знаеш защо го правиш. Да знаеш, че всяка малка
помощ си заслужава, че всяка мила дума се запомня, и че това да си всеотдаен и
готов да се отзовеш е трудно и страшно безценно. Научих, че има още хора, на
които им пука. Още хора, на които не им е все едно какво ще стане с Пловдив, с
България. Имаше препятствия и трудни ситуации, но се чувствам ужасно мотивирана
да продължа напред и да помагам. Заедно, с всички останали, които искат
промяна, но не само се оплакват, а са готови да действат! "
I was volunteering for the first
time during the days around the Opening event for Plovdiv 2019 - European
Capital of Culture. I was thrillingly excited because I was hoping to learn
more about the people and how to help them. I knew I was going to meet at least
one who wanted to make a change willingly. Indeed, I saw that there are so many
people ready to spend time and energy in the name of others, for a cause I
never thought I would find. I realized it was not important what exactly you
were doing but it was important to know why you were doing it. To understand
that every little help is worthwhile, that every kind of word is memorable, and
that being dedicated and willing to respond is difficult and admirably valuable.
I learned that there are more people that care; hundreds and thousands of
people interested in what will happen to Plovdiv, to Bulgaria. There were
obstacles and difficult situations but I feel incredibly motivated to go
forward and help. Together, with everyone who wants a change and is ready to

will always remember that weekend! The past three days were filled with
countless fascinating and refreshing moments that marked the beginning of the
year of the ancient and eternal Plovdiv as the European Capital of Culture. It
was also a celebration for all its citizens, or as I like to call them, the
“aristocrats”. For me, it was a great
pleasure to be part of this event, to meet such amazing people and to feel the
love for my PLOVEdiv even more…

- Пенка Маринова
opening ceremony of Plovdiv- European Capital of Culture was an amazing and
exciting event. I met many people who wanted to work #together and make this
opening weekend unforgettable for the guests and citizens of Plovdiv. I learned
that when we work together we are stronger. I am proud that I was part of this
outstanding event!”
- Penka Marinova
- Penka Marinova
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